LAND Arkitektur in 10 paragraphs

1. LAND works with an idea-based approach to architecture. Strong ideas carry forth the projects throughout the entire process and are clearly portrayed in the final deliverables.
2. LAND always focuses on finding architectural solutions that take into account the combination of conditions provided by the site, including ecological, sociological and economic aspects. Architecture cannot be dictated by a simple set of rules, it needs to be flexible and accommodate aspects beyond the control of the architect.
3. LAND aims for each project to highlight something “extra”, something that makes it unique. This may be through the refinement of an idea in the design stage, or by creating an interesting process with a client.
4. “Form” is never in itself an objective for LAND. Our design-idea is always shaped through dialogue with our customer. This dialogue, based on the needs assessment and vision of the customer, combined with an interesting architectural form, is for us “Good Architecture”.

5. LAND aims to combine pleasing aesthetics with technical viability and safe solutions.

6. LAND wants to create sites that are destinations in themselves, places that can offer a range of activities and attract many different individuals. Public space is too often simply a gap between buildings, shy surfaces of representation, drained of their own content. LAND wants to promote a type of public space that carries its own character and independence.
7. Curiosity is a key word for LAND; curiosity to test new solutions, curiosity when faced with new challenges and curiosity to work with new projects and customers in different contexts and forms of collaboration.
8. LAND wishes to blur the boundaries between disciplines and works to create integrated relationships and solutions between landscape and architecture.

9. LAND always maintains an open process and clear dialogue with the customer. Architecture is a team effort, in which a wide range of disciplines can contribute their knowledge.

10. LAND Arkitektur was launched in autumn 2008 by Anders Kling, Sofia Nylén and Alf Orvesten.